How To Write A Good Narrative Essay About Robbery: 5 Helpful Suggestions

A narrative essay assists the students in empowering their writing skills. It is the way to presents a pretty simple content in a highly impressive way without changing the meaning.

Below are 5 helpful suggestions to write a narrative essay

  1. Prewriting or planning phase: Students need to think and assimilate all their life experiences and formulate a plan thereby. It is not necessary that the chosen incidence has to be a bigger one but sometimes a small goal can leave a significant impact on the reader.
  2. For example if you are citing your story on robbery, form an emotional connection with the reader. The incidences picked must be poignant. The narrative essay on robbery has to be a mix of threatening and fearful incidences. Use words like sweat, afraid, scary, terrified, bloodcurdling etc. For this, primarily choose a topic and collect all your memories. Recall every single incidence; think for the year, people and objects involved, surrounding and the weather condition. These small incidences might look of no importance but leaves a heavy impact on the reader. These create an outline and help you with the thought process.

  3. Create a draft: Make the story lively keeping outline in mind. Following techniques are helpful
    • It should be written from the first person’s perspective. When you use ‘I’, it creates a personal connection engaging the audience.
    • Example- You can begin like- It was a dark cloudy night and it was raining heavily. All of a sudden I heard a loud sound and my heart started thumping fast...

    • Do not skip the details. Readers have no idea about the story and if you skip the details it can skew their understanding.
    • Word illustration plays a vital role. Instead of informing the reader make them involve in the story. Instead of saying that ‘I was disappointed after the burglar escaped, you should say-‘I felt like hitting the burglar 100 times with the hammer and then offering his custody to the police.” If possible introduce fiction as well as non –fiction elements. Use plotting techniques revealing your writing ability.
  4. Revise: Make modifications and reorganize your work. Ensure that your essay understands progressions of events.
  5. Editing: Proofread and correct all the grammatical mistakes, making things crystal clear. Make any expert read it and take their feedback. Be ready to share it with the whole class. Undoubtedly, it can be scary but exciting. Use your expert’s feedback for making your narrative essay better.
  6. Publishing: Be ready to share your essay and get it published.

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