Essay Writing Rules: An Academic Guide for Beginners

Writing an essay is much like riding a bike. Once you have learned, you will never forget. Also, each ride is exactly the same, all that changes is the pace and scenery with each ride. You will always push your pedals to drive your bike forward, much like you will always complete a paper with the same steps. The only factors that vary with a paper are the topic and information, not the way the essay is completed. Here are some foolproof rules for completing your essay each time:

  1. Select a Strong Topic: Your topic sets the tone for your paper. If you rode a broken bicycle, the ride would not be so smooth. The same can be said for your topic. A flawed topic will not produce a strong paper. Consider the prompt your teacher has assigned, your personal interests and originality when making a topic selection. By making sure your topic is relevant to the prompt, important to you, and original—you will set yourself up for success. Not only will you be interested in your topic, but so will your readers since it is something relevant, unique and original.
  2. Research Thoroughly: After deciding on a topic that meets all three qualifications (relevant, interesting, original), you will want to research the topic to the best of your ability. Using reputable sources you will want to learn all you can on the background and origin of your topic, as well as dive into detailed research on the subject, too.
  3. Don’t be Afraid to Write: The best way to get started writing is to just write. Sometimes we are afraid to start writing, and this fear is debilitating. Rather than embracing your fear, set it aside and dive in. Write whatever may come to mind. You will edit later and keep only the best of your writing.
  4. Speak with Authority: When writing your essay, you are acting as an authority on the subject. You will want to present your well thought out and well researched argument with authority. Some ways to create an authoritative voice is by avoiding passive language and other weak writing techniques. Replace passive verbs for active verbs, and exclude statements like “I guess” or “I believe”. You know what you are writing about, and you do not want the language of your paper to imply otherwise.

By using these skills in your writing process, you will produce the best paper possible. The proper set-up for your paper will make for seamless writing and a strong argument. The language you use in your paper will carry out these ideas.

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